And here is the weekend 20, and what'll likely be the last post of August.
And here we go - first up, a nice Kenworth T370 for Southeastern Freight Lines, who are headquartered in Columbia, South Carolina.

And one that claims to be "cooler than ice", a Freightliner M2-106 for Airgas, who're headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where they live on "Tulsa Time" (old country music reference I couldn't resist😆).

A nice Western Star 4700 for Max Kendall Trucking from Wadesboro, North Carolina.
That chicken biscuit over at Hardee's sure looks tasty...

A tired old GMC 6500*.
I'm pretty sure it's a 6500, but I'm a little iffy on identifying the old medium duty stuff.

A rough ol' Volvo or White/GMC WCA64T.

A nice Peterbilt 579 for R+L Carriers, whose headquarters are in Wilmington, Ohio.

A Mack Pinnacle.

Another Mack, this time a Granite for Concrete Supply Co., who are headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina.

A Peterbilt 365.

A Freightliner 114SD for GFL Environmental, whose HQ is in Vaughan, Ontario.

An International Workstar for Willow Creek Farm from Bear Creek, NC.

A duo of Freightliner M2-106 flatbed/troop carriers
First time I've seen such a setup.

With the M2s was this International Workstar.
Note passenger side headlight is out...

And staying with military equipment, but one that's been out of the service for many years, and apparently now retired from civilian duties as well, we have this. I'll take a guess that it's an AM General, maybe an International. Really cool - looks like a prototype for a Tonka or Matchbox toy.

A Freightliner Cascadia for Core-Mark Holding Company, who are headquartered way out west in Sacramento, California.

A sharp Sterling A9500 for the North Carolina Forest Service, who are headquartered in NC's capitol, Raleigh.

A unique International 4900 for Valley Proteins, who are headquartered in Winchester, Virginia.
This is the oldest Valley Proteins unit I've seen, also most if not all of their power is blue - only white truck I've seen.
On a side note, on a recent photo expedition we ended up behind one of VP's more typical T&T setups on a city street, and let me tell you, the smell was absolutely horrible. I've smelled lots of things - sewage, summer time roadkill (including skunks, which are a particular level of horrid), various chemicals, tractor trailer loads of rotten veggies and a T&T load of eggs that burned to the ground, etc, but that VP rig was by far the most stomach-churning stench I've encountered. 10/10 would not recommend. But a big thanks to the folks that run those rigs!

Moving on, a cool lifted Ford F-350.

And lastly, a nice Western Star 4900 for Hall's Tree Service from Lumber Bridge, North Carolina.
Quite a unique name for a town, Lumber Bridge - be interesting to know where it originated.

And that's it for today folks, thanks for looking and have a great upcoming week!
Great batch with lots of interesting different color variations - have to look close but there’s a good back to school reminder message on one of the front bumpers!