Posting later than usual tonight (around 11:45 PM EST), but as I'm currently essentially working third shift, night time is the right time!
Starting us off today, a nice Peterbilt 388.

Another nice PACCAR, this time a very sharp Kenworth W900L.

A typically nice Kenworth T600 for Hollar & Greene, who are headquartered in Boone, NC.

An interesting Peterbilt 567 for Southern Tank Transport, whose HQ is in Calera, Alabama.

A clean Peterbilt 579 for E.W. Wylie, who're headquartered in Fargo, North Dakota.

A Volvo VNL for Future Truckers of America from Asheboro, NC.

A nice Peterbilt 579 for Englander Transportation, who are headquartered in Rustberg, VA.

A Freightliner Coronado with an abundance of tags.

A sharp Peterbilt 389 for Heniff Transportation, whose HQ is in Oak Brook, Illinois.

A unique little Winnebago.

A Freightliner Cascadia whose paint nicely matches the trailer's.

A Kenworth T800.

A cool Sterling 9500 Series for K.M. Machine/R.L. Kellam Company from Biscoe, NC.

A sad looking Ford F800. 2 interesting features - 1. it's a tandem and 2. it has hi-rail wheels.

A Volvo VNM.

A Freightliner Cascadia for B&F Ceramics Design Showroom, who are headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA.

A Kenworth W900L.

A nice Peterbilt 377.

A Mack Anthem. Note missing cover over pull hook - it has a load of sod, which they were harvesting nearby, and I assume going in fields to pick up a load it probably gets stuck pretty often.
Also note it has a clevis instead of a pull pin. A clevis is by far the superior option - pull pins are not well thought of in the towing & recovery industry.

And lastly, a Kenworth T880 for Mountaire Farms, whose HQ are in Millsboro, Delaware.

Thanks for looking!
The W900 on the tracks is a neat shot.