Haven't posted much train shots lately, as for a while I was striking out catching them, but I've made a serious effort recently to chase trains, so I'll hopefully able to crank up my output for train shots (and other stuff, too...).
So without further ado, here we go...
First in the lineup today, a dirty CSXT 133, which is a GE AC4400CW built in January of 1996.
133's painted in the YN2 scheme, aka "Bright Future".

Another CSX GE, this on being 5350, which is an ES40DC that was built as an ES44DC in May 2005.

A typically sharp EMD F59PH for the NCDOT, this one being RNCX 1984 "City of Kannapolis".
Originally built in July 1990 for GO Transit as GOT 552, it moved on to Agence Metropolitaine De Transport as AMXX 1346 before becoming what we see here.

The "City of Salisbury", RNCX 1755, which was built for the NCDOT in 1998.

And lastly, a true grab shot - CSXT 7793, a GE C40-8W built in August 1992.
We were done train-spotting for the day and were on the highway heading home when 7793 popped out of the trees - my quickdraw camera skills nabbed this shot for me.😁

And that wraps up this batch - thanks for looking!
Great catches and def enjoyed the overpass shot!