Another normal weekend 20, coming right up.
First, a typically sharp Peterbilt 579 for TMC Transportation, whose headquarters are in Des Moines, Iowa.

Another sharp Peterbilt, this one a 389.

And yet another sharp Peterbilt, a 379 this time.

Breaking the Peterbilt streak, an International Prostar.

A nice Western Star 4900.

A nice Ford F-450.

A very sharp Peterbilt 389 Pride & Class for Pedowitz Machinery Movers, who are headquartered in Hauppauge, New York.

And yet another really nice 389, this one an unknown.

A Peterbilt 379.

A cool Peterbilt 378.
Weird tanker there, with the single drive and twin-steer - pretty sure it's an aircraft refueler.

A Freightliner Classic.

A nice Freightliner Cascadia for GP Transco, who are headquartered in Joliet, Illinois.
Nice F-350 there, too.

A spiffy International LT for Dana Transport, whose headquarters are in Avenel, New Jersey.

A sharp Peterbilt 389.

A reasonably decent looking Freightliner Century for Givens, who're headquartered in Chesapeake, Virginia. I'm so used to seeing Chesapeake followed by "& Ohio" when doing train research, I always have to pause a second when using Chesapeake in reference to a company location, as seen here.

A relatively nice Ram 3500 with a decent sized boat.
I'd assume that's an ocean going vessel - seems a bit big for a normal sized lake.

A nice Peterbilt 579 for Anderson Trucking Services (ATS), whose headquarters are in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

A nifty Peterbilt 388.

A sharp Peterbilt 389 for C.J. Henry Transport from Commodore, Pennsylvania.

And lastly, a Mack Granite with an unusual paint color.
Mint green, perhaps?

That's it for this round, and as always, thanks for looking!
This was quite a colorful bunch of catches Nice