I have personally had this issue, and know many folks who also have had it, which is: to post photos on a forum style website, you have to have a hosting site (Photobucket, FlickR, SlickPic, etc).
This is not true for TransportPF, you do NOT need a hosting site to post photos here, just post directly from your computer, phone, and tablet.
For example, here is a photo I have saved to a memory stick plugged into my laptop:

All I had to do to post this was; 1. drag/copy from stick to desktop, 2. pull up this post in my browser (which I had minimized while moving the photo to my desktop), 3. click the + sign to the left which brought up several options to insert, one of which is a camera - tap that - find the photo you want to upload and tap it then hit "open". POW, that should cause the photo to appear on your post, and repeat as necessary for however many photos your posting. You can also hit the camera icon at the bottom of the new post to insert a photo.
As a matter of fact, I canceled my own Photobucket membership.
I hope this helps any current members or prospective members who were hesitant to post photos, or join up in the first place.
I chose this format for ease of use, not just on the administrative end, but also for members, and the hosting site situation was a real hassle that is happily totally avoided here.
So, what are you waiting for, let's see some trucks, trains, ships, and planes!😁
Any questions, please put them here and I'll be happy to answer them.
Thanks nice user friendly forum set up - I enjoy the discussion threads in this forum instead of just the run of the mill post a pic and quickly move on like fb
Works great for me !