After a very heavy rain accompanied by some pretty serious thunder here in my neck of the woods, it seems like a good time for a good ol' 5 pack.
Thundering up first, a nice Kenworth T880 for Carolina Transport of Oak Ridge from Oak Ridge, North Carolina.

A sharp Peterbilt 379.

A cool Peterbilt 367 for Guy M. Turner from Greensboro, North Carolina.

An interesting Freightliner Classic for the Penhall Company, who are headquartered in Irving, Texas.

And lastly, a somewhat tired looking Peterbilt 379 for Gorshi Inc. from Chicago, Illinois.
Edit: forgot to mention, check out the cool camouflage reefer unit. First time I've seen that.

Teal color is nice change
Freightshaker looks to be loaded kinda heavy. Thanks for posting.