Here's another 10 rigs for your viewing pleasure!
First today, a Freightliner Cascadia for JLE Industries, whose headquarters are in Dunbar, Pennsylvania.

Another Cascadia, this one a nice example for Maverick Transportation, who're headquartered in North Little Rock, Arkansas.

Another Freightliner, this one a nice Classic.

And yet another Freightshaker, this one a Columbia.

Breaking away from Freightliner (though one managed a photobomb), a nice Peterbilt 389.

Another nice Pete, this one a 388.
"Wide Load" decal with a dump trailer... lies!🙄

Back with Freightliner (last one), another nice Classic.

A sharp Peterbilt 388.
I wonder if wind passing through/over those pipes would make any odd noises?
I recall walking through our back lot one night and hearing a very odd low whistling noise, almost like breathing over a bottle but louder - it ended up being wind blowing over/through a hollow ICC bumper on a trailer.

A bright Kenworth T680.

Another T680, this one for J&R Schugel Trucking, whose headquarters are in New Ulm, Minnesota.
Not a particularly good shot, but getting a shot with the Blue Ridge Mountains in the background isn't very easy, and something I rarely have the chance to do.

That's all for today, thanks for looking!
Great catches with some great background scenery in this batch. That neon KW is cool 😎