Welcome back to another 10 pack of random rigs!
We've got a decent variety lined up for today, so let's get started...
First up, a seldom seen SFA Freightliner FLD120.

A beefy Terex FDB6000 for Chandler Concrete, whose headquarters are in Burlington, NC.

A very sharp Peterbilt 389.

A nice Chevrolet Silverado for Privacy Fence Solutions from Kernersville, NC.
These have a specific numerical designation, like 4500, 5500, 6500, but they all look essentially the same, and I don't see a model designation logo on this one.
What is it with Chevys always having a headlight out? I notice this a lot, and on Chevys from several different eras.

A Mack Anthem for Reliable Tank Line, who're headquartered in Winston-Salem, NC.
I haven't really noticed before, but I think the Anthem is the only truck to have the spot mirrors mounted to the top of the hood.

A RAM 3500 for Fleet B Logistics from West Palm Beach, Florida.
The Dodge/RAM story is a convoluted trail. Maybe that could make for a good history article?🤔

A Mack MD for White Cap, whose HQ is in Norcross, Georgia.
These seem to be doing well, which is impressive, as Mack hasn't really been a presence on the medium market in a long time, if ever (they had the Midliner, but it didn't seem to be popular at all).

A nice Kenworth T370 for Redbox+, who're headquartered in Mt. Clemens, Michigan.
Regarding the Interlude below, looks like this is set up to deal with the porta-potty, too - note the hose and bottles.

Interlude - while doing my research on Redbox+, I came across this one their site~
"The Elite" dumpster...
Seems like a good idea at first, except - when a dumpster is loaded/unloaded, it goes up into a considerable angle to be pulled onto the truck, which could cause issues with whatever is in the tank of the porta-potty. Also, if you're inside, and stuff is being dumped/thrown into the dumpster, and possibly the dumpster is being bumped by whatever equipment is loading it ... that would make for an exciting time.
Photo from Redbox+ website.

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled programming...
A very nice Western Star 49X for Hennings Construction, whose HQ is in East Bend, NC
It's possible, judging by map observation, that East Bend is a reference to the course of the nearby (to East Bend) Yadkin River.

And wrapping up today's round, one of our rigs, W-45. An International 9900 for Kirk's Sineath Towing from Greensboro, NC.
We'd just settled into this parking lot for lunch and just happened to catch 45 - it had just dropped a truck at one of the several nearby dealers.
This rig actually has a pretty interesting history, and I'm considering doing a short article on it...

Anyway, that's all for today - as always thanks for looking!
Looks like the Redbox may have room for 2 potties put back to back.
Good variety and nice catch on those Mack spot mirrors mount