Well, after a run of unseasonably warm weather, some November appropriate weather - cold and rainy - has finally made its presence known. I personally love cool/cold weather, and prefer overcast days, though I could do without the rain.
Anyway, here's some shots taken during much less pleasant weather back in July - hot and humid, as usual hereabouts.
First, a Kenworth T600 for Billy Speaks from Hamptonville, NC.

Next, a very unique Freightliner FLD120 for King Neal Hauling from Reidsville, NC.
Very unusual, but really cool.

A couple International Paystars for Boggs Landscaping from Statesville, NC.

A Volvo VNL for Mill Creek Motor Freight from way up in Ayr, Ontario.

A poor shot of an International Fleetstar.
This was the first one I recall seeing (other than photos), and just barely caught it as we zoomed by.
I should probably go back to get better shots...

A Peterbilt 379 for The NYX Company from Salisbury, NC.

A Freightliner M2-106 with a split personality - the door says Quick Supply, who're headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, but the box says Elite Blasting Service from Stony Point, NC. Both deal with explosives and such, but I couldn't find a link between them. Also, I went to Elite's website and found their DOT number, then searched it on Safer, with no results... Weird.

A sharp Kenworth W900B.
Not really sure what would be flammable enough for a placard, but able to be hauled on a flatbed.
And yes, it was close behind the above explosives truck.

An International MV.
These are ugly. No way to nicely say that. The Durastar was much better. Cool wheels and lugnut covers though.

A nifty Mack Anthem for Skyline Transportation, whose headquarters are in Knoxville, TN.

A nice International Prostar for CMH Transport, who're headquartered in Marysville, TN.

A sharp Peterbilt 389 for Hamptons Wrecker Service from Lincolnton, NC.

An extremely sharp Kenworth W900L.

A Freightliner M2-106.

A Ford F-550.
Note the hood - it's either damaged or not fully closed.

A very nice Kenworth T370 for H&H Towing from Concord, NC.

A Peterbilt 389.

A really cool Kenworth W900L.
I may be mistaken, but wasn't there a gripe several years back about the teeth bug screen? Like people were "scared" and/or "intimidated" by them? I love it, personally, though I'm not much on bug screens - blocks the view of the grille.

And lastly, a sharp Peterbilt 379.

Thanks for looking!
Weird spot for the Fleetstar. Wander if maybe it’s for sale?
The FLD120 is very cool with its military look - all interesting catches.