On the last day of August 2022, I'm comin' at ya with another 20 pack of various rigs.
First up today, a Peterbilt 567 for Fulp's Environmental from Westfield, NC.

A sharp International Lonestar.

A typically spiffy Western Star 4700 for Zebra Environmental from High Point, NC.
I wonder if the zebra stripe decals are one solid piece, or each stripe is separate? Probably the first.

I don't usually post Isuzus, because they are mostly boring, but this one is an exception. This is the first of the "big" Isuzu FTR units I've seen. Just unusual, and I can't resist an oddity.

A Peterbilt 567.
Looks like the bumper and grille have taken a beating.

A Ford ... F100? I'm not too good on identifying old small trucks.

A CCC (Crane Carrier Company) Centaur aka M915.
This was an extremely unusual catch - the only CCC non-cabover I've ever seen in real life.
The "Centaur" is the name this type of truck was sold under for the civilian market, and M915 was the Military moniker. This one appears to be ex-Military. Really cool.

A very strange trailer.
This looks like it was either built for a very specific purpose, or cobbled together in-house somewhere.
If you look closely, looks like traction cleats (?) on the bed, so maybe it hauled dozers?
The thing on the trailer is a boom for a 3 point hitch.

A bright Western Star 4700 for Spainhour & Sons Grading from Rural Hall, NC.

A nice Ford F-350.

A sharp Peterbilt 379.

A nice International 9900.

Another International, this time a Lonestar for Amistad Freight, who're headquartered in Union, MIssissippi. This IH needs a wash, bad.

A typically nice Mack Anthem for Chief Express, whose headquarters are in Seagrove, NC.

An International 9400 for B&LE Express from Bowling Green, Kentucky. Bowling Green is an odd name for a city.
Also, I don't know what B&LE stands for here, but in railroad terms, it's Bessemer & Lake Erie, a railroad from PA now under the Canadian National banner.

A fairly nice Peterbilt 377.

A Kenworth T660.

A Freightliner Classic.

A Peterbilt 378.

And lastly, a clean little Volvo VNR for AAA Cooper Transportation, who are headquartered in Dothan, Alabama.

That's the extent of things for this round, thanks for looking!
Nice round of catches