I see a lot of Cascadias. I caught all of these the same day.
First a UPS truck pulling a container.

Merchants Distributors (MDI) from Hickory NC. Established in 1931


Ideal Transportation from Greensboro NC.

US Xpress from Chattanooga Tennessee. They have over 6000 trucks.

Anderson Trucking Service (ATS) from Saint Cloud MN. Established in 1955.

Trimac Transportation from Calgary AB. Established in 1945

Werner Enterprises from Omaha NE. They have over 10,000 trucks.

I've always liked UPS rigs, nothing fancy, just a nice clean looking rig.
Don't see UPS with containers too often, especially behind one of their CNG trucks.
The Ideal FL is sharp, I'd be willing to bet that's an ex Gypsum Express truck: http://www.gypsumexpress.com/ .
The Trimac is a neat catch, don't see them around here much. Looks like an old Schneider truck, probably from their tanker division, and probably already had all the pumps and such needed for tanker work.
Nice catches and shots all around.😎