It's another weekend, which means another 20 pack o' rigs. Or 19 and a surprise...
First out today, a cool Peterbilt 379.

Next, a spiffy Freightliner Cascadia for Leonard's Express, who are headquartered in Farmington, NY.

Nothing too spectacular here, just the first time I've seen a 7Up truck - a Freightliner Cascadia in this case.

A cool Kenworth T600 for YUT Enterprise from Charlotte, NC.

A Volvo VNR for Bumgarner Services, also from NC, North Wilkesboro to be exact.
North Wilkesboro was also a terminus for the Southern Railway; the line is now owned by the Yadkin Valley Railroad (a Gulf & Ohio "G&O" company). From what I understand, the line is out of service from slightly west of the Louisiana-Pacific facility in Roaring Springs all the way west to North Wilkesboro.
Too bad - from what I see on various maps, the line would make a good candidate for a tourist line.

A sharp Peterbilt 379.

A Kenworth T680 for SpartanNash, whose HQ are in Byron Center, Michigan.
First time I've caught one.

A Peterbilt 379 for Max Freight from Jacksonville, Florida.

A Freightliner Columbia for Merchants Distributors, who're headquartered in Hickory, NC.

A sharp Peterbilt 389 for Affordable Towing & Repair from Shady Spring, WV.

And two more Pete 389s.
I rarely get a shot this dark that's actually decent, so pretty happy with this result.

A Kenworth W900L.
To explain the drastic day/night difference between the previous shot and this one, this was the next morning.

A nice Kenworth T600.

A Freightliner Cascadia for Transwood Inc., whose HQ are in Omaha, Nebraska and a Freightliner Columbia with a load of nice logs.

A nice Peterbilt 567 for Basin Transportation, who are headquartered in McAlester, Oklahoma.

A unique looking, and nice, Peterbilt 357 for Sponaugle Towing from Cumberland, Maryland towing a burned out Kenworth T660.

A Freightliner Coronado for Karriers Inc., whose HQ are in Grand Forks, North Dakota.
Don't see many rigs from the Dakotas. At least I don't.

A Kenworth W900L in just the right place at the right time.

Not a very good shot, but I couldn't resist catching it and posting it - a superb looking Peterbilt 379.

And lastly, the "surprise" - a closed down Bojangle's.
From what I can tell from my research, it was built, opened, and closed, all in the past year or so. Still looks pretty new, so it didn't see much use, if any. A shame really - I could do with a chicken biscuit and fries, or some chicken legs and selects, dirty rice, and maybe even some mashed taters and gravy and mac & cheese. Anyways, this was in the western part of Charleston, WV.
Excuse the dashcam photobomb.

Thanks so much for looking!
I like the night picture.
Red KW T600 is my fav of this pack and good catch on those loads of logs interesting as they are worth a fortune nowadays!