Barlow from Faucett MO.

John Christner Trucking from Sapulpa OK.

Cappella Heavy Transport from Shrewsbury MA.

Saint Germain Express from Saint Germain-de - Grantham QC Canada.
Appears all of their trucks are this color.

Mercer Transportation from Louisville KY.

Tribe Express from Gainesville GA. A Native American woman owned business.

Some sharps W900s there! I dig the yellow one. 😎
The Cappela sure is cool, love those pinstripes, such a classic New England look.
St. Germain runs a really nice looking fleet, and that one definitely fits the bill, sharp looking rig, for sure. The Target trailer behind it is cool, too.
Of course, the Mercer looks really classy, I'm not sure, but it could be an "Icon 900" edition.