First today, the "Carolina Mill" in Burlington, NC.
Built in 1910 (some of it at least), it was one of many textile mills in the area. Eventually it succumbed to the fate many did; overseas competition and outdated structures and equipment.
I could find almost no info on this, so I'm not sure when it closed, but probably the 80's.
Also, from what I gathered, there is some sort of preservation effort ongoing, which, if true, is great.

Nearby, what I believe to have been the Mill's water tower.
Yes, it's in the middle of the road, a very unique situation.

And lastly, an old store.
Cool old Pepsi sign - I'd assume it's at least 30 years old, so pretty surprising it hasn't been vandalized.

I'll admit this round was a little lackluster, but upcoming content should make up for it!
Thanks for looking!
Cool old buildings- if they could only talk
In the second picture the trees growing on roof is neat.