Today we have a model from Bowser, specifically a big Montreal Locomotive Works diesel for Canadian Pacific.
MLW was ALCo's (American Locomotive Company) Canadian subsidiary, which produced duplicates of ALCo designs for the most part, but also had some unique designs, both for the North American market, as well as overseas export.
Anyway, let's get started...
MLW C630M: Part of ALCo/MLW's "Century" series (hence the C), the C630M was for all intents and purposes a duplicate of the ALCo C630, so some specs, unless noted, apply for both. They were built from 1965 to 1968, with the combined C630/C630M production being 133, but of those, 56 were built by MLW for Canadian railroads. They were powered by an ALCo 251 prime mover, which put out 3,000hp to two 3 axle trucks. ALCo would go out of business in 1969, but MLW would continue on for several more years. Also in 1969, MLW would begin producing the C630M replacement, the M-630, which they produced until 1973.
CP 4501 History: The prototype for today's model doesn't have a particularly interesting history. It was built by MLW in July of 1968. Under CP's nomenclature it was referred to as a DRF-30c, which presumably would mean something like Diesel Road (as in road engine, as opposed to yard) Freight - 3,000hp - C trucks. It would provide CP with service into at least 1993, which is the last mention of it I can find. This was about the time CP was retiring its MLW power, so it was most likely scrapped not too long afterwards. Also, at some point, it would lose its original maroon and gray paint and get CP's "Action Red" CP Rail scheme, complete with "multimark" (aka Pac-Man) logo.
Here it is in 1969 -
Box info ~
Take note of this photo - it will become particularly relevant.

Behold, the worst rating I've ever had the misfortune of giving.

Good: The paint is done to a good standard - crisp lines, no blurring. It's overall sturdily constructed, and the fine details look fine, as well. It also has a good solid weight of 1lb 3.3oz,
Bad: You may have put two components, a hint and a seeming omission, of this review together to have some idea of what's coming, but here's the deal. It doesn't operate. At all. I put it on my layout, and the only thing I got was some weird light behavior and no other response. This unfortunate discovery led me to open up the model to see what the problem was. It was (drum roll please) lacking a DCC chip. Just had a blanking chip to allow use on non DCC layouts, which I do not have. So DOA - dead on arrival. I don't run DC locos, and I don't mess around with the whole buying and programing chips deal, so it's a paperweight. As I alluded to in my comment on the box info, this model was supposed to be full DCC/sound - I certainly paid for that. Now, in some cases this model would have immediately been sent back, but I couldn't do that - when I buy models, they'll be delivered, go into my "inbox" of stuff to review/open, and I'll get to it when I can, which because this is a hobby, may be awhile, especially if I have other items in the lineup. I'd had this model past the return/refund date, so I was just out of luck - still am. Also, I'll go ahead and mention the other issues - the paint was particularly flat/matte, and it gave the model a very plastic/toy like look. The handrails were also noticeably flimsy.
Back to the DCC - this is unacceptable. The listing on TrainWorld said DCC/Sound, the price was for such a model, and the box says it as well. But it sure ain't. Yeah, maybe I could've opened it sooner and sent it back, but I didn't, and people shouldn't have to immediately check a new item to make sure it works, especially something that's for a hobby, is expensive, and from a reputable manufacturer and seller.
Overall: I can only review the item I have, which in this case was very disappointing. I'd hope the DCC is a fluke event, but that seems like a manufacturing error, or maybe packaging (wrong box) error - either way, maybe a quality control test before packaging would help. The paint and handrails are obviously not flukes - just poor quality, or at least poor design choices. Sad but true.
Anyway, this is by far the most negative review we've had, but the next one will be much better, and have a much more interesting prototype as well!
Thanks for looking!
What a letdown let’s hope this was just a one off mistake and not an indicator of future purchases