Well, it has been quite a while since my last F&C post, but here it is!
First up, a couple John Deeres of differing generations.

Another JD, this time a big 9R.

Lots of JDs in this batch, but this is the last, and something different - an 803M.

A ... well driller? I'm pretty sure that's what it is - an unidentified and fairly worn example.
Note the blocks under the articulation point...

And lastly, a seemingly broken down old Ford. Either a 641 or NAA, I think.
Nice looking little setup - hopefully it was just out of gas or something.
And a dashcam photobomb - this was in a new vehicle we were giving a shakedown drive, so it was just quickly put up.

That's all for this round, though I hope to have something else, different, for the F&C page soon...
As always, thanks for looking!
Well driller looks ancient